Sunday, September 18, 2005
Light Niches Installed

Busy day today. Only had time to install the light niches. Two 500W in the pool and a 250w in the spa.
Need that electrician, now!
Went through the pool equipment shipment. Realized that I have to modify the rebar around the drains. I also have to redo the plumbing for the safety drain in the spa (along the wall). I probably will have to throttle its intake to insure that I get suction on the floor...
Pool equipment ordered from
Component, Manufacturer, Part #, Qty
Filter, Hayward, C4025 425 sq.ft., 1
Pump, Hayward, SP2615X20 2 HP, 2
Main Drain ,Hayward, SP1051AV 2", 5
Cleaner Filter, Nature2, W28145, 1
Skimmer, Hayward, SP1082, 1
Cleaner, Nature2 Professional G, 1
Blower, Polaris QT 2 HP, 1
Spa Jet, Waterway, pulsating, 4
Spa Jet, Waterway, pinning, 3
Valve, Jandy, 3-way 2", 1
Valve, Jandy, 3-way 1.5", 2
Chlorinator, Hayward ,C1220 offline, 1
Light ,Aqualight, 773603 250W, 1
Gunite Fitting, Waterway, 2103700, 7
Jet Niche Adapter, Waterway, 255030, 7
Niche, Aqualight, 782433, 1
Light, Ameri-Quartz, 50ft. 500W, 2
Niche, Ameri-Quartz, 782105, 2
Spa Control Pak,?, 4-way, 1
Spa Electronic Pad, ?, 50ft., 1
Color Lens Pak, Aqualight, 78900100, 1
7 Eyeball returns were purchassed at another pool site.
1 Vacuum cleaner not purchased yet.