Monday, January 02, 2006
Patio Pouring...

Finally, Mother Nature let me get the patio around the pool poured. I was all set to do this job myself. I had the help, Evan, lined up. I had my phone to my ear to place the concrete order...and then I just chickened out!
I called John Russell, the guy who poured most of the concrete in my house. Luckily, he was still in business. And, he talked us into getting the patio colored and stamped....more money,too.
As always, there was a mistake - not enough concrete was ordered to finish the job. So, right now the sidewalk on the opposite side of the pool is not completed. The mistake was a combination of several factors: the grading, the concrete patio depth, and the actual amount of concrete delivered. I did the grading when I formed the patio. I wanted it to have more slope than is typical to ensure water runoff to the drains. So, this caused a greater thickness in the patio when John did the pour. It was such a large area that a simple 3/4"-1" thickness increase adds a lot of concrete.
However, the first truck poured a section that I calculated to be 8 yards and it was supposed to be 10. Given the thickness increase, I think LaFarge cheated us no less than a yard!!! The name of the company sounds French...need I say more!
We are now waiting for better concrete weather to finish the patio job!